The Self-Reg Foundations Certificate, our flagship Self-Reg program, has been a game-changer for thousands of learners, bringing them to an entirely new understanding of what makes people tick. In this four-course, online program, Stuart Shanker and Susan Hopkins take you deep into the science of self-regulation and stress including:
- how the brain/body stress system works
- how stress affects children’s behaviour and moods
- the difference between misbehaviour and stress behaviour
- the importance of relationships in self-regulation and learning
Over 1500 teachers, mental health professionals, health professionals and parents have taken this course. Many say it has changed their outlook on children, their work and their own well-being.
The Self-Reg Foundations Certificate is a four-course, online program designed and delivered by Stuart Shanker and Susan Hopkins on our eSchool. Upon completion, you will receive a certificate identifying you have completed the Self-Reg Foundations Certificate Program. We refer to the alumni of all of our Self-Reg education programs as Self-Reg Champions, in recognition of the time they have spent learning with us.
But, is it for me? If you’re interested in learning the basic underpinnings of Shanker Self-Reg®, then yes – this course is for you.
- Four separate courses
- Each of the courses takes six weeks to complete
- A new module opens each week and learners have one week to complete it
- Approximately 4 – 6 hours per week
- Short videos from Dr. Shanker and Susan Hopkins with “bite-sized” chunks of information
- Questions designed to support understanding, reflection and application of Self-Reg learning
- Interactive responding to comments of other learners online
- No tests, quizzes or exams in this program, rather this offering is for educational purposes where we interact and learn alongside fellow learners
- Course facilitation from various TMC Self-Reg Specialists
FOUNDATIONS 1: The Bio Domain: The Brain, Stress and Self-Regulation
- Module 1: The Dawning of Relationships
- Module 2: The Nature of Stress
- Module 3: The Problem of Excessive Stress
- Module 4: The Cascading Effects of Excessive Stress
- Module 5: The Brain’s Reward System
- Module 6: Self-Reg Method Step 1: Reframing the Behaviour
FOUNDATIONS 2: Self-Reg and Emotional, Social, Cognitive and Pro-Social Well-Being
- Module 1: Self-Reg in Dynamic Systems and the Bio Domain Foundations
- Module 2: Self-Reg in the Emotional Domain
- Module 3: Self-Reg in the Cognitive Domain
- Module 4: Self-Reg in the Social Domain
- Module 5: Self-Reg in the Pro-Social Domain
- Module 6: 5 Steps of Shanker Self-Reg Method
FOUNDATIONS 3: Self-Reg and Mental Health Across the Lifespan
- Module 1: Autism
- Module 2: “The Anxiety Epidemic”
- Module 3: Self-Reg and Adolescence
- Module 4: Self-Reg Across the Lifespan
- Module 5: Self-Reg and Mindfulness
- Module 6: Self-Regulation vs. Self-Control
FOUNDATIONS 4: The Shanker Self-Reg Method in Context
4 Course Stream Options (Offered upon completion of Foundations 1 – 3):
- A. Educator’s Stream: Self-Reg as a Universal Platform in Education (Early Years, K-12, or Adult Education)
- B. Self-Reg Specialists Stream ( health practitioners, specialists, counsellors, clinicians): Applying Shanker Self-Reg
- C. Early Years / Parent-Stream: Parenting with a Self-Reg Mindset
- D. Personal Self-Reg Stream (applies to anyone): My Self-Reg
You can choose to register for the full Foundations program, or to take each course individually. If taking individual courses, they must still be taken in order.
Immediately after registering, you will receive your confirmation of enrollment/receipt. We will then be in contact a few days before the course start date with a welcome and information about logging into our eSchool.
Do you have a group of 25+ learners? We are able to run private online cohorts for your team with flexible start dates. Email us at info@self-reg.ca with what you would love to see and we'll make it happen.
See our course calendar here.