A Self-Reg Level 2 Certificate Program | SIGN UP TODAY!
Build on your understandings of Self-Reg from one of our Level 1 Self-Reg Certificates* with the Living, Learning & Linking Certificate Program, a self-paced 30 module program that offers you a range of opportunities to go deeper into the science, the practice, and the leadership of Self-Reg with Dr. Shanker, the TMC Team & Self-Reg Community.
This unique program is comprised of 30 stand-alone modules of learning, each taking approximately 3-5 hours to complete through a combination of videos, readings, and pre- and post-module tasks. After registering, you will have 1 year to access all the course content and materials and to complete the full program.
Based on the feedback we have gotten from our learners, this course now also has a dedicated facilitator, who will respond to quiz content in the Living and Learning modules, discussions in the Linking modules and guide you through the development of your very own module as your final program project.
Living - Self-Reg lived experience from experts in their field.
- No Child Left Behind
- Self-Reg and Resilience
- Trauma and the Child: Why The Shanker Method® Matters
- Self-Reg and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
- CPS: The Intersection Between Stuart Shanker and Ross Greene
- When Tomorrow Never Comes: Self-Reg and Perseverance
- Reframing Autism
- Reframing Anxiety
- Reframing Rationality
- Self-Reg Path to (Re-)Enlightenment
Learning - Diving deeper into the Self-Reg Science with Dr. Stuart Shanker
- Self-Reg View of Temperament
- The Triune Brain
- Reframing Math Anxiety
- Lazy or Limbic
- The Importance of Limbic Braking
- Self-Reg View of Lying
- Self-Reg and ADHD
- Reframing IQ
- The Self-Reg View of Perseverance
- Creating a Just Society
Linking - A series of interactive and facilitated modules where learners get to apply their Self-Reg learning by linking to their context.
- Linking: Well-Being
- Linking: Equity & Inclusion
- Reframe
- Recognize
- Reduce
- Reflect
- Respond
- Profile Building
- Build Your Own Module: Planning
- Build Your Own Module: Filming & Sharing
You can choose to register for the full program or purchase the program 10 modules at a time. The Living and Learning Modules must be completed before enrolling for the Linking Modules if purchasing 10 modules at a time. Individual Living and Learning modules will be available for rent, coming soon!
PRINTABLE Program Overview Here.
*Note: The Self-Reg Foundations, Early Childhood Development and/or Leadership Certificate Program is a prerequisite for taking this course. This is a self-paced course with an overarching facilitator for feedback.
This program was originally called the Master's Modules Program, and has been revamped and significantly expanded.
After registering, please give at least 2 business days to be set up on the course, as we enroll every user manually.
See our course calendar here.